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Arçelik Staj Başvurusu – Fresh Start Internship Program

Arçelik Staj Başvurusu – Fresh Start Internship Program staj başvurusu, stajyer, staj ilanıdır.


Fresh Start 2023 Internship Program is now open and waiting for it’s applicants!

Ready for the change? Let’s start then!

How does it sound to go on a journey to empower your competencies, discover new perspectives, get to know new people, widen your professional network, take responsibilities in different technical projects… meaning being part of Arçelik Global culture?

If you are excited just like we are, Fresh Start can be your next move.

As Arçelik, our vision is “Respecting the World, Respected Worldwide” as we passionately nurture our global growth story with greener production, better utilization of natural resources and more sustainable business processes.

Our short-term summer internship program will start in this July! Join us and get to know the Arçelik way of doing with experience based internship program here at the heart of global network.

*The accommodation of interns who will have their internship in Bolu will be covered by Arçelik.

**We suggest using Google Chrome web browser for avoiding technical problems.

Başvuru Yap: https://www.kariyer.net/is-ilani/arcelik-fresh-start-internship-program-3350135

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