- Staj İlanları
Junior Website Developer DEHA TECH MAKİNA SANAYİ VE TİCARET A.Ş. İstanbul(Avr.)(Beyoğlu)

Position title: Junior Website Developer
We need a junior web developer to help with the load of our website building.
If you have passion to learn more about Deha Tech, this is the right place to make career.
Required Skills:
- Good Communication skills in English and Turkish (written and verbal) and problem solving-skills
- Solid understanding of responsive design and development practices
- Experience working with WordPress Visual Theme Builders
- Intermediate HTML/CSS/PHP knowledge
- Basic working knowledge of SEO and Video Editing programs
- Experience working with Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, and Google Webmaster Tools
- Basic knowledge of Adobe Creative Programs
- Ability to work in a fast-paced environment
- Strong organizational skills to juggle multiple tasks
- Attention to detail, Degree not required.
- Offer insights and recommendations to improve performance
- Are able to problem solve code conflicts, errors and website issues without hand holding
We are looking for like-minded people to help us out – honesty and integrity are traits we value above all others.
You will be responsible for:
- managing WordPress databases
- initializing WordPress databases
- managing plugins
- editing plugins
- managing themes
- editing themes
- managing content
- editing content
- keeping workplace clean and tidy
- keeping normal office hours in a physical location in
- Set up and maintain WordPress themes and plugins
- Develop websites based on Wire-frames
- Create landing pages, automation
- Optimize websites to speed, responsiveness, and SEO on-page optimization
- Perform cross-browser testing and resolve common issues
- Assist with the creation of HTML/CSS based emails.
please do not hesitate to contact us, we are happy to meet and know new faces around us.
Have a cup of coffee on the house
Thank you
Başvuru Yap: https://www.kariyer.net/is-ilani/deha-tech-makina-sanayi-ve-ticaret-a-s-junior-website-developer-2689438