- Staj İlanları

PİRELLİ OTOMOBİL LASTİKLERİ Staj Başvurusu – Long Term Intern

PİRELLİ OTOMOBİL LASTİKLERİ Staj Başvurusu – Long Term Intern staj başvurusu, stajyer, staj ilanıdır.


We are looking for teammates with the following qualifications to work as a “Long Term Intern” for our company’s departments. The workplace is Kocaeli plant. 


  • 2nd or 3rd year undergraduate, preferably in Engineering Programs or any relevant fields
  • Able to work 5 days a week in school period
  • Able to continue min 1 year
  • Good command of written and spoken English
  • Good command of MS Office programs
  • Proactive, confident, creative and with strong attention to details
  • People-oriented, self-motivated, quick-learner

Job Description:

  •  Job description will be defined related to the department.

Başvuru Yap: https://www.kariyer.net/is-ilani/pirelli-otomobil-lastikleri-a-s-long-term-intern-3391431

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