- Staj İlanları
Sales Intern AVON Kozmetik Ürünleri

- Senior or recent graduate in related departments of universities.
- Have advanced knowledge of English
- Proficient in MS programs, especially Excel and Powerpoint.
- Related to make-up and cosmetics
- Open to learning and development
- Strong communication and organizational skills, prone to teamwork
- Aiming for a career in the sales department
- Able to work full time 5 days a week
- Internship will last 6 months
Job description
- Opportunity to follow and learn all processes of the sales department
- Monitoring and reporting of daily, weekly, monthly programs
- End-to-end monitoring and planning of communication processes of programs
Başvuru Yap: https://www.kariyer.net/is-ilani/avon-kozmetik-urunleri-sales-intern-3155351