- Staj İlanları
Long Term Internship SIMECO ISI EKİPMANLARI VE KALIP SAN.A.Ş. İzmir(Gaziemir)

In our factory operating in the White Goods Sector in Gaziemir, Aegean Free Zone, we are seeking a ‘Long Term Internship’ for our Controlling, Purchasing, Production departments for a fixed period of 11 months.
The applications of the senior students (4th grade),master degree of the Logistics, Business Administration, Economics and Industrial or Mechanic Engineering of the universities or students continuing their graduate education will be evaluated.
As an intern, you will be given responsibility for certain projects during their working period.
Başvuru Yap: https://www.kariyer.net/is-ilani/simeco-isi-ekipmanlari-ve-kalip-san-a-s-long-term-internship-2630332