- Staj İlanları
Commercial Affairs & Supply Chain Intern ROCHE MÜSTAHZARLARISANAYİ A.Ş. İstanbul(Avr.)(Şişli)

- University student in business administration, economy, engineering
- Flexible schedule to work at least 3 days in a week for minimum 6 months
- Strong analytical skills
- Questioning attitude and innovative
- Teamwork oriented
- Excellent verbal and communication skills
- Proficiency with Microsoft Office tolls, especially with Excel and Powerpoint
- Fluent English
Job Description
- To support preparation of the sales presentations
- To support preparation of annual reports
- To track daily sales, update the sales reports and take necessary actions in the related systems
- To handle daily conversation with the customers by providing information about the sales orders & deliveries and respond to their ad-hoc demands
- To track tender participation status of the wholesalers and make required updates/entries in the tender tool
- To have an active role in the sales contract revision process, make required controls and follow finalization of the agreements
- To support monthly discount difference calculations, collect related customer invoices and share them with accounting team
- To support customer code creation process
- To create purchase orders in Simplebuy system for department needs.
- To support archiving the customs clearance document.
- To analyze stock reports and share with related departments.
- To track Pharmaceutical Tracking System (ITS) and create customer data. To analyze system failures and create solutions.
- To communicate offers from Suppliers regarding purchases of packaging materials.
- To support the team with analysis needed on different topics regarding Supply Planning, Import and Logistics.
Başvuru Yap: https://www.kariyer.net/is-ilani/roche-mustahzarlarisanayi-a-s-commercial-affairs-supply-chain-intern-2636262