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Doruk Staj Başvurusu – Dijital Pazarlama Stajyeri

Doruk Staj Başvurusu – Dijital Pazarlama Stajyeri staj başvurusu, stajyer, staj ilanıdır.


Technology company Doruk, which has realized Turkey’s first R&D project on digitalization in industry, develops Smart and production management systems to digitally expand the operations of industrial enterprises. These industrial systems, which can be applied newly by taking automatic feedback from the real situation of the factories, can also be purchased as Factory and Digital Factory in the 4.0 phase.

With ProManage, more than 300 predecessors around the world have realized the digital transformation of the industry.ProManage is the technology company with an interdisciplinary approach working on IIoT, AR (Augmented Reality), AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology areas for Manufacturing Operations Management. ProManage supports manufacturers to be more productive, agile, cost efficient through the use of cutting edge digital tools in Manufacturing Operations Management (MOM).

ProManage provides advanced analytics for manufacturing, predictive maintenance management, predictive quality management, predictive decision making.

Doruk’s head office is located in Teknopark Istanbul in Turkey, in addition to its Antalya Teknokent office and İzmir Depark Teknokent office, as well as its Chicago office in the USA.

Doruk, who has been a digital transformation mentor in systems that are complete with enhanced system integrated system technologies, is Turkey’s facility leader R&D company with its software and hardware for 25 years.

 ProManage is filled with

We invite you to explore what has made us one of the fastest growing technology companies in history and how you can be an integral part of our journey!

Biz kimiz?

  • Teknolojik gelişmeleri takip eden,
  • İşini tutkuyla yapan ve öğrenmeye meraklı,
  • Yeni deneyimlere açık ve proaktif bakış açısına sahip bir ekibiz.

İş Tanımı

  • Doruk’un iletişim çalışmaları ve dijital pazarlama süreçlerine vereceğin destekle daha güçlü olacağız.

Kimler başvurabilir?

  • Üniversitelerin ilgili bölümlerinden mezun olmuşsan veya 4.sınıfında öğrenciysen,
  • MS Office (Excel, Word, Powerpoint) uygulamaları hakkında bilgi sahibiysen,
  • Haftada en az 3 gün staja devam edebileceksen,
  • Zorunlu stajın varsa,
  • İyi derecede İngilizce dil bilgisine sahipsen,
  • Analitik bakış açısı ile olaylara yaklaşıyorsan ve planlama becerilerin güçlüyse,
  • İşine tutku ile yaklaşıyorsan ve yaratıcı bakış açısına sahipsen,

Senin ile tanışmak için sabırsızlanıyoruz.

Başvuru Yap: https://www.kariyer.net/is-ilani/doruk-dijital-pazarlama-stajyeri-3561872

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