Bosch Staj Başvurusu – Bosch Summer School Program 2024

Bosch Staj Başvurusu – Bosch Summer School Program 2024 staj başvurusu, stajyer, staj ilanıdır.
Job Description
We are currently offering an opportunity for a highly motivated and enthusiastic individual to join us in starting something remarkable as a Summer School Student.
Your contribution to something big:
- Completing your project successfully
- Presenting it to company management in the end of Summer School
- Practicing your knowledge on the ground
What distinguishes you:
- Being at 3rd class or Master student in Faculties of Engineering & Business fields.
- Very good command in English.
- Technical background, conceptual and system thinking
- Eagerness to learn and self-development
- Very good communication and presentation skills
Additional Information
Salary (Gross minimum wage), financial accommodation support (Gross minimum wage/2), daily transportation, a real work experience and improvement of professional qualifications, various trainings and seminars to improve your soft skills.
Application Deadline: 31.03.2024 / Announcement: 17.05.2024
Only positive candidates will be replied via a video interview invitation.
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