Anagold Empowering Youth Program Anagold Madencilik Tic. ve San. A.Ş. Erzincan(İliç)

We are glad to announce to you the Anagold Empowering Youth Program for 2021 interns hiring.
While preparing the Anagold Empowering Youth Program, we will offer you methods and ways you can learn, progress and develop yourself.
How? You will experience during your internship that “Learning by Experiencing” means 70% of learning happens through experience
Are you ready to connect with what you desire?
When applying, please do not forget to mention on your CV the department you would like to complete your mandatory internship:
Ø Open Pit
Ø Process
Ø Maintenance (Mechanical / Electrical)
Ø Exploration & Resource Development
Ø Other (Please specify)
Anagold Empowering Youth Program will be planned into two different internship periods as following:
– 1st Period: June 14th – July 09th 2021 (20 business days)
– 2nd Period: July 26th – August 20th 2021 (20 business days)
Still reading? If you recognize yourself in the description below, then we would like to know more about you!
- Studying in Engineering Departments of Mine, Geological, Chemical, Mechanical and Electrical
- Good command of English,
- Builds own understanding of our purpose and values; explores opportunities for impact
- Actively focuses on developing effective communication and relationship-building skills
- Real team player, who believes the to achieve common goals
- Dynamic decision maker, who decides quickly and acts immediately
- Ambitious runner, who wants to see the finishing line to have results
We look forward to meeting all of you!
Anagold Family
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