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ANAGOLD MADENCİLİK SAN. VE TİC. ANONİM. ŞTİ Staj Başvurusu – Worth New Talent Intern Program

ANAGOLD MADENCİLİK SAN. VE TİC. ANONİM. ŞTİ Staj Başvurusu – Worth New Talent Intern Program staj başvurusu, stajyer, staj ilanıdır.


The application deadline for Worth New Talent Intern Program is March 31, 2023.

We are glad to announce our Worth New Talent as 2023 internship program.

We will provide you methods and ways you can learn, progress, and develop yourself in thisWorth New Talent.

How? You will experience 70% of what  “Learning by Experiencing” is, during you internship.

Are you ready to take a step towards your dream career?

Please specify on your CV that the department you would like to complete your mandatory internship:

Ø Open Pit

Ø Process

Ø Maintenance (Mechanical / Electrical)

Ø Exploration & Resource Development

Ø Environment

Ø Information Technology

Ø Other (Please specify)


Anagold Worth New Talent Internship Programwill be held in two different internship periods as follows:

–         1st Term: 03.07.2023 – 28.07.2023 (20 business days)

–         2nd Term: 31.07.2023 – 25.08.2023 (20 business days)


If you’ve read this far, Worth New Talent intrigued you. Then, if the following application criteria are suitable for you, we would like to get to know you too!

Internships are open for students who:

  • Are studying in Engineering Departments of Mine, Geological, Chemical, Mechanical, Civil, Electrical, Environmental, Computer etc.
  • Have a good command of English,
  • Builds own understanding of our purpose and values; explores opportunities for impact
  • Are actively focuses on developing effective communication and relationship-building skills
  • Are real team players, who believes the to achieve common goals
  • Are dynamic decision makers, who decides quickly and acts immediately
  • Are ambitious runner, who wants to see the finishing line to have results

We look forward to meeting all of you!



About Us:

Anagold Madencilik is the operator of the world-class Çöpler Gold Mine in Turkey. The Çöpler Mine is located in east-central Turkey in the Erzincan Province, approximately 1,100 kilometers southeast from Istanbul and 550 kilometers east from Ankara, Turkey’s capital city. Construction activities at the Çöpler Mine started with the opening ceremony held on October 25, 2009, and first gold pour was realized on December 22, 2010.

Anagold Madencilik is a joint-venture corporation of SSR Mining and Lidya Madencilik.

Başvuru Yap: https://www.kariyer.net/is-ilani/anagold-madencilik-san-ve-tic-anonim-sti-worth-new-talent-intern-program-3364633

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