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AGM TEKNOLOJİ YATIRIM SANAYİ TİCARET Staj Başvurusu – Industrial Engineer

AGM TEKNOLOJİ YATIRIM SANAYİ TİCARET Staj Başvurusu – Industrial Engineer staj başvurusu, stajyer, staj ilanıdır.


As the leading technology company in our sector, we are looking forward to meeting our new team member who will be contributing his/her broad expertise to our expanding organization, and join our team as‘Industrial Engineer’.




BS Degree or equivalent related experience in Manufacturing, or Industrial Engineering,                                   

3-5 years’ experience preferable in a Electronic manufacturing industry, IE work experience is preferred,


Proficiency in engineering computer software (CAD, CATIA, NX etc.),                                       

Have the ability of organization, coordination and leadership and good at handling unusual problems,


Must be a self-starter able to work with a minimum of supervision,                                          

Exposure to Lean Manufacturing principles and practices preferred,                                         

Good English communication and presentation skills (oral and written) are highly preferred,                      


The successful candidate will have demonstrated abilities in troubleshooting, accountability, decision making and judgement, effective communication and critical thinking,


Male candidates must have completed military service,


Resides on the Asian side (Location is: Tuzla).





Work out standard operation instruction and optimize the production process,                                            

Resource assessment including manpower?machine and space etc, set up  and  analyze investment plan,                             

Set up standard working hours for new product, and design the production mode,                          

Design management system for production, inventory,quality and cost,                                          

Design factory Layout(SLP,equipment Layout and mateial handling),                                             

RFQ for new project,  mockup and setup for NPI line,


Provides manufacturing decision-making information by calculating production, labor and material costs;  reviewing production schedules;  estimating future requirements,                                            

Promote Lean Kaizen activity, as if Drive LBR/ PBR performance improvement,

 Improve UPPH, OEE, LU and Yied etc,

 Drive Continuous Improvement in capacity plan.                              

Başvuru Yap: https://www.kariyer.net/is-ilani/agm-teknoloji-yatirim-sanayi-ticaret-anonim-sirket-industrial-engineer-3702252

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